Previously, I interned at Jump Trading as a Software Engineer Intern.
Aug 2024 – Present Graduate Research Assistant · UDL and Accessibility Research Group
Researching and developing tools to improve the accessibility of mathematics materials.- Python
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
June – Aug 2024 Software Engineer Intern · Jump Trading
Built and optimized research-crucial data pipelines for financial securities.- Python
- C++
- Polars
May – Aug 2023 Data Engineer Intern · Fetch
Built and migrated a Go data pipeline ingesting data from Amazon Neptune to Apache Kafka.- Go
- Apache Kafka
- Kubernetes
Aug 2022 – May 2023 Software Engineer Intern · Kocree
Implemented an algorithm-powered MIDI editor UI used in pilot studies with 50+ students. Architected a full-stack visualization for MIDI/wave audio with checkpoint synchronization.- Svelte
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Kubernetes
Aug 2021 – Dec 2022 CTF Competitor
Competing in CTF cybersecurity competitions, specializing in web exploitation and miscellaneous challenges. Competed in finals at CSAW 2021, and won as undergrads at CSAW 2022.- Python
- Assembly
- JavaScript
- Ghidra
Mar – Sep 2022 Undergraduate Researcher · UIUC Intelligent Motion Laboratory
Explored grasp pose generation methods while ranking and visualizing the grasps in a Python simulation.- Python
- Simulation
May – Aug 2022 Software Engineer Intern · Appier
Built a unifying logging service with a Kafka event queue and an event filtering RESTful API in Python. Service sped up advertising campaign analytics and problem resolution within the product organization.- Python
- JavaScript
- React
- PostgreSQL
- Apache Kafka
- Redis
- Docker
- Kubernetes
Aug 2019 – Apr 2021 Programming Lead / Programmer · First Robotics Competition Team 4253
Co-led the programming subteam and modularized codebase. Developed holonomic pathing algorithms in Java for 5 autonomous routines.- Java
- Python
- C++
May – July 2020 Software Engineer Intern · WeMo Scooter
Revamped a battery management system for 7,000 rental electric scooters with a team of 4. Built a microservice backend to display 8,000+ battery statuses and changes to charger configurations.- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- NestJS
- PostgreSQL
- Google Pub/Sub
Event-Driven Multithreaded HTTP Server
Event-driven HTTP/1.1 server using epoll/kqueue and multiple worker threads for high throughput. Support for Linux and BSD-based operating systems.
- C++
- Networking
- Sockets
Small x86 Operating System
x86 operating system with preemptive scheduling, rudimentary filesystem, and basic input devices. Final project for ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering.
- C
- Assembly
- Linux
Netflix Wrapped
Website aggregating 20 insightful statistics about Netflix users' viewing habits.
- React
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Python
- Bootstrap
- MongoDB
Food Security Visualization
Interactive React website displaying a heatmap of food security across the US. Performed data analysis on food supply density and routing using Python and pandas.
- React
- JavaScript
- d3.js
- Python
- Pandas
- Bootstrap
Game Hacking Research
Semester-long project surveying game hacking techniques on Windows. Includes 2 x86 DLL injectors and 2 executables in C++ showing their effectiveness and potential prevention methods.
- C++
- Assembly
- Windows
- Game Hacking
- Reverse Engineering
Valorant Map Stats
Python-based Qt program helping VALORANT players improve through visualizations of their in-game positioning, using aggregated statistics from game APIs.
- Python
- Qt
- SQLite
- Reverse Engineering
Dinosaur Game Reinforcement Learning Agent
Reinforcement learning agent for the Chrome dinosaur game in Python that achieved a score equivalent to 2 human game hours.
- Python
- PyTorch
- Stable Baselines
- Reinforcement Learning
FRC Codebase
Java code for a First Robotics Competition robot, including visual spline path planning/following and modularized autotonomous routines. 2021 FRC season group skills finalists.
- Java
- Python
- Robotics
- Motion Planning
VEX Robotics Codebase
C++ autonomous code for a VEX Robotics Competition robot, including odometry, motion profiling, and pure pursuit path following algorithms for a holonomic drivetrain.
- C++
- Python
- Robotics
- Motion Planning
Robot Chassis Pathing Simulator
Physically accurate simulation robot chassis following interactive spline paths.
- C++
- Box2D
- Robotics
- Simulation
Book Price Comparison App
iOS application that compares book prices by scanning barcodes and scraping online bookstore listings.
- Swift
- XCode